Nug & Bug
Antiques and Collectables. Special Treasures. Affordable Prices. Come "Bug" Us Anytime!
Welcome to Nug & Bug

About Us
Second-Hand In Demand
At Nug & Bug, we regularly attend auctions and estate sales, peruse yard sales, follow up on private sales and offers -- in other words, we search high and low for wonderful things at bargain prices... Things we can recycle, refurbish, upcycle, or otherwise improve for your home or business. Purchases are made by three long-time partners and sold at the rustic Shops at Marlborough Barn in Marlborough, CT. When you arrive at the Barn, ask the manager to direct you to the Nug & Bug Store or follow the signs. Enjoy browsing our ever-changing collection, and when you've selected your purchases, you can pay as you leave.
See "Contact Us" for how to place a hold on items you see on our website.
About Our Stuff
Resale Shopping At Its Best
Furnishings & Accessories
Archive of Sold Goods

From $25